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EN BG RU                    Coral-Mine



Мanifactured by Marine Coral Co., Ltd - Japan,

exclusive for Coral Club International, Inc., Canada

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Coral Calcium – 955 mg.

L-Ascorbic acid – 5 mg.


Coral-mine is milled and refined coral of the kind „scleractinia“,growing around the clean waters of Tokunasuma island (Japan). There are 2500 coral spieces but only this kind of corals have the unique ability to improve the quality and properties of the water. And not only that - there is no known device or substance that is safe for the body to change and improve the characteristics of the water.

Form of the package: dust - 3 packages of 10 bags (sachets) with a weight of 1 g each in a package, enough for a month.


How to use: 1 sachet coral calcium is placed 1.5 liters of filtered, spring or distilled water without it being teared open. Water is ready for use after 5 minutes. Drink throughout the day instead of plain water. Drink 30 minutes before a meal and 1 hour after meals. One sachet is sufficient that one day, but in need of calcium and alkalinity of the body can be used more sachets. For the life on land, every living creature or plant should recover consumed water to properly conduct of biochemical reactions in it. The water quality is of great importance for this. For the human body is needed from 30 to 50 milliliters per kilogram of water for normal flow of bio-chemical reactions in it. This is a natural law that no one has the power and authority to change. That's the amount our body wastes through breathing, sweating and urine. This water must be recovered constantly. You can drink the water, and may not drink. No one will criticize you for it. But 90% of all diseases are related to dehydration of the body.


Coral-Main can be placed into compotes, tea and other beverages, not carbonated. Do not test on carbonated drinks! After opening the original container, close tightly so as to avoid contact of the product with air! (The Coral Coral-Main is a strong absorbent)


The Product Coral-Main saturates water with active ionized calcium.

Daily use of such water leads to normalization of the pH of the blood, reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive system, saturates the blood with oxygen, normalizes blood pressure and blood sugar levels, normalized kidney function and functioning of the digestive system and liver, prevention of arthritis, reducing to disappearance of pains in the joints, increasing mobility of joints, and elasticity of the muscles.


What is coral calcium used for?


The Coral calcium creates an alkaline environment in the body, normalizing acid-alkaline balance. Scientists have long known that the alkaline environment is vital for the normal functioning of cells - and therefore the entire body. Every day the human body develops over 100 cancer cells. A healthy body, with blood pH 7.43 is fight and destroying them using a great amount of energy. When the body becomes weak, the blood pH drops, especially in people over 40 years.


Calcium, which comes with food and water, usually has a weak biological activity (as it is not ionized). An important advantage of coral calcium Coral-Main is its bioactivity - when in contact with water calcium passes into ionic form and is easily absorbed by the cells. Purifying the water and saturates it with 67 minerals (important for chemical reactions in the body and work on separate body organs), which is difficult, even impossible, to absorb with the food we eat. In addition of calcium in the composition of coral-Main includes ingredients such as magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese and vitamin D - in combination with coral calcium they are conducive to strong bones, joints, teeth, nails, hair and assist in skin problems, particularly suitable in menopausal women , pregnant women, newborns. Coral-Main is a powerful antioxidant that effectively protects against cell aging, strengthens the immune system, helps the cardiovascular system and keeps the skin young and beautiful.




How does the coral calcium work on the body?

  70% of the human body is water. Blood, lymph, saliva, mucous membranes are alkaline (healthy human blood has a pH of 7.38 to 7.43).



pH stands for "potential hydrogen" / from English. - potential Hidrogen - pH /. Ie pH is characteristic of the concentration of hydrogen ions. Blood should always have a pH = 7.38 to 7.43. Any change in acidic direction (below pH 7.35) - and you already have health problems.






What happens when the blood pH level drops to acidic ambience?


90% of the blood - it is water. Water - this is H2O. Two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. pH describes the state of ions of hydrogen. If they have a high concentration, the number of the pH will be less than 7, and it is an acid condition.


What happens when the blood pH level raises?


If the pH of the blood is only increased by 0.15, the percentage of free oxygen is increased by 65%


The Calcium is a mineral № 1 in importance to the human body. A deficiency leads to over 150 serious illnesses in this ,mostly suffering children, pregnant women and people aged over 40 years. Calcium has such proportions that allow it to enter the human cell and come out of it with ease, and when it comes in, it brings a network nutrients remaining in the cell and then it goes to get more. It looks like the elevator for nutrients.


To absorb calcium is very difficult. When calcium enters in our organism, it is more likely to turn into calcium phosphate and get separated from the body as a slag. Coral Calcium Coral-Main is already in ionic form. And it does not require utilization of your stomach's titanic effort for the production of a large amount of hydrochloric acid, for the passage of calcium in ionic form and for its subsequent utilization.


With increasing age, the body of the person becomes inevitably more acidic, because it feeds with foods and beverages, which are at pH 4-5 and at least, and that's where the oxidation of the internal environment of the body comes. For comparison, a person at the age of 60 may produce only 25% of the amount of hydrochloric acid, which he produced at the age of 20. A 60 years old person needs a lot of calcium. When 20 year old takes calcium supplements, his stomach produces enough hydrochloric acid i.e.. gastric juice / to absorb that calcium. But when the same person takes supplements at the age of 60, there is no such amount of acid to fully absorb this calcium and much of it is simply removed from the body.


If we compare two people, one of whom used coral calcium Coral Main, and the other - any other calcium supplement, then the one who takes the calcium supplement, especially if a person older, is desirable to have a large amount hydrochloric acid, only about to begin to absorb calcium. And the one who has taken coral calcium Coral-Main started it's digestion by this time when it was in his mouth.


Coral Calcium Coral-Maine is derived from the Tokunasuma island (Japan), where the islanders used naturally filtered rainwater, as the island itself is made up of ancient coral reef. Residents of the island are not known to diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and others. Age from 87 to 115 years is commonplace for residents of this island. Most old man registered in Book of Records "Guinness" lived on this island. And not only that. The islanders live full and active lives to old age without following any diet and abstinence from alcohol and smoking.


The Japanese government strictly controls the mining of coral and observe preserving the purity of the region, without compromising in any way the development of coral reef and gives authorization Marine Coral Company to extract corals. The right to distribute the product Coral-Main is to Coral Club International. All products of Coral Club International are exclusively 100% natural. No colorings, preservatives, chemical additives and GMOs. The products are borrowed from the world's medicine, upgraded and tested for decades until reaching its user. The company Coral Club International offers more than 150 types of unique products that enhance and restore health, behind which development stand six Nobel laureate.


Nutritional supplements with doubt of the slightest damage to the human body would not have a place in the assortment of Coral Club International.




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